Monday, February 8, 2010

i only plan on staying in japan for language school for 2 months. can i study legit

i only plan on staying in japan for language school for 2 months. can i study legit?
US citizen=90 days. I can study there legit?
Japan - 2 Answers
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1 :
You can on either account of studying with or without visa. Most people who enroll for 90 days of less probably do it without a student visa. The some things you won't be able to do without a visa are to get part time work, open a bank account, get a membership at the video rental store, or get a Japanese cell phone. Otherwise, you can skip a lot of paperwork, so it should make things easy for you.
2 :
Regular classes of Japanese language schools are 6-12 months. So if you want to study Japanese just for 2 months, you need to go to short-term language courses.
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