Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Can I move to japan when i turn 17 in south carolina

Can I move to japan when i turn 17 in south carolina?
im 14 and would really like to do my final year of school in japan but i dont think i can get into an exchange program because i got sick so i have to do a grade over.is it possible for me to move to japan at 17 so i can finish school there and can forieign people under 18 get a apartment in japan
Japan - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't think so.Outside of an exchange program, I don't think you could go to a Japanese high school. Most high schools teach in Japanese only. There's no chance of renting an apartment at 17 in Japan. You need to be old enough to sign a contract. It isn't even easy for a 25 year old to rent a place in Japan.Many Japanese landlords won't rent to a non-Japanese.Those that do want 2 or 3 months rent in advance,plus another month or two rent for key money.You'd need a student visa to spend a year there. Sorry.
2 :
here is some info on an exchange program http://www.twoworldsunited.com/frequent_questions.html
3 :
You usually need working or student visa to live in Japan. For working visa, you have to get a job offer from a Japanese company. But you can't look for a job in Japan without a visa. So you need it before you enter Japan. For student visa, you have to be admitted to a Japanese college. You need to pay tuition and living cost for 4 years. It could be about $80,000. You can get a student visa if you are admitted to a high school in Japan (17 is the age to go to a high school in Japan). But it's very hard if you don't speak or read Japanese. And of course, you need $20,000-30,000 money to live in Japan for 1 year.
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