Monday, June 8, 2009

What would it be like for an American school girl to live in Japan

What would it be like for an American school girl to live in Japan?
Hi I'm (obviously) from America or The States, and well I have always been obsessed with two main parts of the world, 1. Japan and 2. Paris. In a couple weeks I will be starting a new life in Tokyo Japan and I'm very very nervous because I don't know any Japanese and I just want to know what it will be like in school for me if I don't understand what the teachers are talking about?
Japan - 1 Answers
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1 :
well... japanese school is VERY different than from the states. in japan when you first get to school you change your shoes at little shoe lockers. after that you proceed to homeroom where announcements and other things such as attendance will be taken. many classes are spent in homeroom instead of going room to room like in the states.the only time you leave homeroom are for other classes that require a special room (lab etc..) a club, or for gym. lunch is eaten in homeroom as the end of the day students all get together and clean the school. classes will be extremely hard if you dont understand any japanese. many classes tend to be advanced but not all. also two hours of homework is usually given every night. an average japanese high school day is from 8:30 - 4:00 many students walk or ride bikes, while buses are also taken. japanese really isnt such a hard language to learn learn the basics (phonetics) first then start hiragana and katakana after that study all the kanji kanji and hiragana and katakana are used everyday in japan and english is sometimes (rarely) used
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