Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How to make more friends at a new school in japan?!

How to make more friends at a new school in japan?!?
im half japanese half white, and im on exchange in japan. im 16. my japanese is fairly good, so its not the language barrier thats stopping me from making more friends. i got put in a class full of 15 year olds, and i feel a bit old for some reason... everyone at my new school knew who i was cz theres only one other exchange student in the school im going to now, and (not being conceited lol) lots of ppl would stare and say ``kawaiiiii`` abt me when i walked past -_- some people talked to me, but i want to make close friends, not just aquaintances. also, most the guys in my class dont really talk to me n seem intimidated while the senpai guys just straight up talk to me..wtf? help please... LMAO im half japanese u idiot. why dnt u try dissing ppl in real life instead of hiding behind ur computer?
Japan - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You should ask your classmates about everything you don't know. They will be glad that they are relied on. If you are perfect, they may become jealous of you... Reveal your weak points.
2 :
From my experience when you need to ask how to make friends, you don't make any friend at all. By the way, if you are a fat, racist, stupid, poor, useless, struggling worthless piece of redneck, then you don't make any proper adequate Japanese friend because all of us don't want you to set your dirty smelly redneck foot on our clean, sophisticated, precious soil. Otherwise we all welcome you to our country.
3 :
Close friends won't happen so easily. It takes time, rather a lot of time, even if you are one of genuine natives. You are still stranger even though you think you are a fluent Japanese speaker and a half Japanese-blood. Don't be in a hurry for everything perfect but keep trying, for example, to have some common secret topics with possible mate(s) for making mutual fun or satisfaction.
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